[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]SuccessFactors update Q2
On the 6th of May all Early Preview systems received the new Q2 update from SuccessFactors. In the weekend of the 3rd of June all other systems where updated.
No major errors where detected by our customers. A minor error has been found on the ToDo-button on the home page header (if configured), where a wrong indicator of the ToDo actions is shown. A fix for this error is scheduled for the next Q3 release. An option to avoid confusion is to remove the ToDo-button from your home page header and only use the ToDo tile.


HuRis Release Management
If you use our Release Management service you have been informed about all changes and new functionality available in the Q2 update.
Are you not yet customer of our Release Management Service? And do you want to know all changes and new functionality in new updates relevant for your company? Please contact HuRis Support Team or your HuRis Account Manager.


Update picklist
Beside the normal SuccessFactors update a separate update on picklists has been planned. All ‘legacy’ picklist will be converted tot MDF picklists. This will be an update done by SuccessFactors per data center. U will receive a notification from SuccessFactors when your data center will be updated.
The conversion can have effect on your system and interfaces. Our advice is to contact HuRis Support Team so we can make an impact analysis and plan changes if necessary.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]