
RedTribe has been nominated by Chris

“RedTribe is one of the most special charities we have seen during our time living in Africa. Through a long term presence and investment in the local community in the area we have also lived in, in among other things schooling and clean water supply, RedTribe genuinely makes a difference for the whole community. The Maasai living in Loita are going through a very hard time now as a consequence of COVID, for people that in many cases were already living below the poverty line.

About RedTribe:, Covid update:

What help is needed?

Hennie Marais, the founder of RedTribe says: “The economic implications of Covid-19 on rural Kenya have been hard and most families are struggling to survive.  We’ve seen a big impact on education and parents take their children out of school to avoid “School Fees” and let the children go back to herding goats and sheet or carry water.

We identified that the best way to encourage children back to school is by subsidising their education in the short term as families recover financially.  We currently have 85 families that are struggling to afford to send their children back to school.

What does RedTribe do?

RedTribe supports a remote Maasai community, in one of the poorest and least developed parts of Kenya. They do this through investments in among other things education, mentoring, ethical entrepreneurship, and healthcare, all of this is a culturally sensitive manner. RedTribe has a long term presence and vision; their founders have lived in the area for the better part of a decade and activities are carried out by locals, supported by experts. Through the long term focus, changes are embedded in the community and infrastructure that has been build is also maintained.

Examples of RedTribe projects include:

  • Healthcare: The RedTribe Clinic serves a Community of 12,000 people that are scattered over a vast area. We bring much needed services like treatment, vaccinations, dental care and emergency services.
  • Ethical entrepreneurship: Through the creation of beadwork jewellery, local woman have an independent source of income, improving their position. Jewellery is sold in Europe:
  • Water: Approximately 3.500 people have access to clean water through water pipes placed by RedTribe. In the past, unclean water has proven to be a source of diseases.
  • Education: Access to (quality) schooling was limited before; a large percentage of children did not go to school. RedTribe has started their own school, the Maasai Academy, where the founders’ three children also went to school. Today, there are 230 children in the school.